What I think was the most important part of Washington’s geography was during the Ice Age. Its when thousands of feet of sheets of ice and glaciers were all over the world and moving and creating U shaped lakes. The glaciers from the Ice Age where moved by wind, ice, water, weathering. It was all called glaciations, and during all of this the three major glaciers where made. They were the Puget Lobe, Okanogan Lobe, and Polson Lobe. The Puget Lobe was created around the Puget Sound. The Okanogan Lobe came from the center of Washington and blocked the Columbia River. While it blocked the Columbia river and made Dry Falls, Lake Chelan, and Grand Coulee. The Polson Lobe blocked Clark Fork and the nickname for it was scablands. Because of how the glaciers made the lake with a lot of little lands around it. Also the Palouse Hills where made by the glaciers during the Ice Age and you can see them in Spokane and Pullman. Another one was the Alpine Glaciations and they are found around Mount Rainier is. So in conclusion, heres a few places that we see now that where made during the Ice Age when we had thousands of glaciers.
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