Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Native Americans Coastal vs. Plateau

Out of the Coastal and Plateau Tribes I think I would pick the Coastal Tribe. I think this because on the the Coastal side you live right by the ocean so you don't have to walk far to get food, other then the Plateau side you would have to go up mountains and hills just to find food. Another thing would be you wouldn't have to wear shoes and they don't wear leather. Also the way they traveled was by canoe and that would be a lot easier then having to worry about feeding horses or walking really far distances. So that's a few reason why I would rather live in the Coastal Tribe then the Plateau Tribe.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Native American Route

No one nos for sure how the Native Americans came to North America, but there are three possible ways. Those are Land Bridge, Ice Bridge, and Continental Shelf. The Land Bridge is when the water sunk and you could walk on the land that was left. The Ice Bridge was when all the water frooze after the ice age, and it was hard enough for them to walk across. Last one was the Continental Shelf its when the lands were together by a small path with water on both of the sides. The one that I think was the one they used was the Continental Shelf, because there has to be a time when though two lands were together. So they could have talked over it before the two lands split.